Picture of Marian Sabres
Picture via @MarianUHoops

Here is the Marian University Sabres 1,000 point club.

1 Kyle Seyfert (89-93) 1983
2 Daryl Loether (90-94) 1515
3 Bret Cummings* 1426
4 Dave Beres 1361
5 Scott Jaeger (98-02) 1333
6 Logan Rankin (09-10) 1271
7 Cody Veleke (10-14) 1266
8 Ty Roznowski (90-93) 1259
9 Jeff Harris (09-14) 1217
10 Jason Hovland (96-00) 1193
11 Jordan Van Ess (04-08) 1176
12 Titus Redmond (03-07) 1163
13 Grant Monroe (93-97) 1103
14 Casey Jackson (87-89) 1078
15 Tom Hendricks (93-97) 1103
16 Sam Koslowski (09-14) 1045
17 Alex Manhardt (14-18) 1036
18 Josh Creed (13-16) 1010
19 Milford Parker (87-91) 1006

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