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I’d like to thank LeShawn Hammett who is the head coach of the Penn State Wilkes-Barr Mountain Lions in Lehman, Pennsylvania in the PSUAC in the USCAA for sharing info about the basketball journeys of Kevin Silverberg and Khalil White who are two of his players. Coach Hammett has compiled an overall record of 70-41 and a record of 49-18 in PSUAC play. He was named the 2019 USCAA National Coach of the Year and he led Mountain Lions to their 1st ever USCAA National Championship in program and PSUAC men’s basketball history. Here is what coach Hammett shared about Kevin and Khalil.

Kevin Silverberg Senior Guard Penn State Wilkes-Barre Two years ago, a teammate of mine got in contact with Coach Hammett for me. I came to PSWB for a visit and that day my journey began. That day I committed to PSWB and the moment I did, my career changed for the better.

My first season at PSWB I knew that I would have to prove myself to other players and coaches in the conference. I wanted to show them that I was here to do great things and I wanted to make my presence known. My first season I was Dutch Birch tip off All-Tournament team, I won the USCAA National 3-point contest, and I was PSWB team MVP.

This past season, I was PSUAC All-Conference and the starting shooting guard for our National Championship team. My stats for my two years here at PSWB are a 40.4% field goal percentage, 40.1% 3-point shooting percentage, an average of 10.3 points per game, and I’ve made a total of 123 3-point shots and have a total of 606 points.

Through my journey I’ve learned to trust the process and I learned that every day is an opportunity to do more and work hard. My favorite part of this program is the dedication of Coach Leshawn Hammett, Coach Leroy Hammett, Coach Ray Harris, and Coach Darien Wingate. We all work tirelessly, and they are always with us every step of the way, especially Coach Hammett.

Through my journey with PSWB and Coach Hammett, I’ve learned how to work hard and be tough and stay dedicated to my goals. I have so much heart and passion for the game of basketball and I love being a part of a team where the coaches and my teammates are just as passionate about it as I am. We are a family away from home working towards the goal of being National Champions. We’ve got one and we’ve already started our work for a repeat!

Khalil White Senior Guard Penn State Wilkes-Barre I started out my collegiate basketball career at another PSU branch location but found my home with Coach Hammett in Wilkes-Barre. As a senior in high school, I spoke with coaches on all different division levels but ultimately chose Penn State because that is where I wanted to earn a degree from.

I was impressed with their alumni network and the community/family culture the school has. My defense has improved over the past year. However, confidence in my game is what I have improved in the most. Prior to coming to PSUWB, I played the game how I thought others wanted me to at times.

For example, I may have passed up an open shot because I didn’t want my teammates to label me as a selfish player. Coach Hammet and my teammates last season helped me embrace my role a shooter. They encouraged me to take shots and to play my game. I did exactly that and led the team in scoring, averaging 14.4 ppg.

I started the first five games of the season and was asked to come off of the bench to help the team get the chemistry it needed to be successful. I continued to lead the team in scoring from off of the bench and earned the 6th Man of the Year award from the PSUAC. I also was named a 1st team All Conference player and a 2nd team All-American from the USCAA . Last season was unbelievable and ended with us being named national champions. I’m looking forward for what is to come. Excited to play my senior season!!

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