Picture of WIU
Picture via @WIUAthletics

Here is the WIU Fighting Leathernecks 1,000 point club.


  1. 2,248 Joe Dykstra ………………………. 1978-83
  2. 2,128 Coleman Carrodine……………. 1960-64
  3. 1,896 Garret Covington……………….. 2014-17
  4. 1,577 Bob Anderson …………………… 1966-69
  5. 1,555 Dwayne Banks ………………….. 1977-81
  6. 1,524 Marshall Stoner ………………… 1952-56
  7. 1,508 Brad Bainter …………………….. 1975-79
  8. 1,496 Chuck Schramm ……………….. 1954-57
  9. 1,472 Ceola Clark III …………………… 2008-13
  10. 1,448 Grady McCollum ……………….. 1956-60
    1,448 Jamie Lilly………………………… 1979-82
  11. 1,431 David Jackson …………………… 2004-08
  12. 1,417 Kobe Webster……………………. 2017-20
  13. 1,348 Garrick Vicks…………………….. 1993-96
  14. 1,228 Todd Hutcheson ………………… 1980-84
  15. 1,219 Dan Braun………………………… 1967-70
  16. 1,212 Bill McAfoos……………………… 1953-56
  17. 1,184 Gene Talbot………………………. 1957-60
  18. 1,169 Jack Pensinger …………………. 1949-53
  19. 1,166 Lupe Rios …………………………. 1952-56
  20. 1,150 Don Talbot………………………… 1953-57
  21. 1,079 Mel Lacy…………………………… 1962-66
  22. 1,068 Chuck Behrends ……………….. 1955-58
  23. 1,064 Al Miksis…………………………… 1946-49
  24. 1,023 C.J. Duff …………………………… 2016-20
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