Picture of PLNU Sea Lions
Picture via @plnubasketball

Here are the PLNU Sea Lions single game scoring leaders.

Points‐ Game

  1. Bob Hopkins 51 2/13/54 La Verne
  2. Steve Endressen 43 2/8/74 Cal Lutheran
  3. Bob Hopkins 43 2/14/53 La Verne
  4. Bob Hopkins 42 12/4/53 California Tech
  5. Shawn DeLaittre 41 11/27/92 UC San Diego
  6. Rusty Fallin 41 2/4/92 Azusa Pacific
  7. Ben Foster 41 1/28/67 Cal Poly Pomona
  8. Bob Hopkins 41 3/?/53 Findlay OH
  9. Ron Hubbard 40 1/17/90 Biola
  10. Lloyd Higgins 40 1/29/65 Cal Poly Pomona
  11. Bob Hopkins 40 3/?/54 Chico State
  12. Bob Hopkins 40 12/29/53 Pepperdine
  13. Shawn DeLaittre 39 11/28/92 Redlands
  14. Art Larson 39 2/9/73 Cal Lutheran
  15. Lloyd Higgins 39 12/29/64 Willamette OR
  16. Ron Bauer 39 1/3/64 Willamette OR
  17. John Davis 39 2/10/53 California Tech
  18. Bob Hopkins 39 1/9/53 Fresno State
  19. Bob Hopkins 39 1/6/53 Long Beach State
  20. Bob Hopkins 39 2/27/52 Long Beach State
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