Picture of UAB Blazers
Picture via @UAB_MBB

Here are the UAB Blazers all-time made threes leaders.

  1. 318 Andy Kennedy ___________________ 1988-91
  2. 254 Robert Vaden ____________________ 2007-09
  3. 248 Mo Finley _________________ 1999-00,01-04
  4. 234 Damon Cobb _____________________ 1995-99
  5. 218 Cedric Dixon _____________________ 1994-98
  6. 173 Marvett McDonald____________________________2004-06
  7. 172 Barry Bearden _______________________________1986-90
  8. 169 Nick Norton___________________________________2014-18
  9. 162 Robert Shannon _________________ 1992-94
  10. 160 Jamarr Sanders __________________ 2009-11
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