Picture of App State Mountaineers
Picture via @AppStateMBB

Here are the Appalachian State University Mountaineers all-time made threes leaders.

  1. 358 Donald Sims 2007-11
  2. 270 D.J. Thompson 2003-06
  3. 269 Ronshad Shabazz 2015-19
  4. 244 Justin Forrest 2017-Pres.
  5. 229 Rodney Peel 1987-92
  6. 214 Noah Brown 2000-05
  7. 211 Billy Ross 1989-93
  8. 209 Nate Cranford 2002-06
  9. 189 Kemp Phillips 1986-90
  10. 172 Junior Braswell 1993-97
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