Picture of Auburn
Picture via @AuburnMBB

Here are the Auburn University Tigers all-time steals leaders.

  1. Quantez Robertson 2005-09 ______ 210
    DeWayne Reed 2006-10 ______ 210
  2. Marquis Daniels 1999-2003 _______ 208
  3. Frankie Sullivan _ 2008-13 ________ 190
  4. Chris Morris _ 1984-88 ______ 189
  5. Bryant Smith _ 1995-99 ______ 186
  6. Reggie Gallon _ 1989-93 ______ 177
  7. Gerald White _ 1983-87 ______ 164
  8. Frank Ford __ 1983-87 _____ 156
    Note: Figures not available prior to 1978-79 season.
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