Picture of BSU Beavers
Picture via @BSUBeaversMBB

Here is the Bemidji State University Beavers 1,000 point club.

Rk Points. …Player ………………………..Season

  1. 2,034 ……David Lee………………….. 1984-88
  2. 1,613 ……Charles Hanks……………. 2001-04
  3. 1,558 ……Derek Thompson………… 2017-22
  4. 1,462 ……Mac Smith …………………. 1997-01
  5. 1,410 ……Mark Carlin………………… 1963-67
  6. 1,361 ……Scott Kramer ……………… 1991-94
  7. 1,335 ……Tony Brown ……………….. 1986-91
  8. 1,272 ……Frank Koeptka……………. 1972-75
  9. 1,251 ……Steve Vogel……………….. 1975-78
  10. 1,225 ……Lance Rongstad…………. 2009-13
  11. 1,222 ……Irv St. John………………… 1950-54
  12. 1,202 ……Seth Haake ……………….. 2006-10
  13. 1,190 ……David Muelken …………… 1984-88
  14. 1,158 ……Dale Harper……………….. 1983-87
  15. 1,129 ……James Ellisor……………… 2010-12
  16. 1,125 ……Kevin Nichols ………1991-92,1993-94
  17. 1,112 Teaser Sweeney…………. 1989-93
  18. 1,070 ……Mason Walters …………… 2009-13
  19. 1,057 ……Logan Bader………………. 2016-20
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