Picture of Big West
Picture via @BigWestHoops

These are the Big West Conference all-time made threes leaders.

315 Ryan Sypkens, UCD (126) 2009-14
311 Adam Jacobsen, PAC (117) 1993-98
308 Mike Wozniak, CP (112) 1996-00
307 Bobby Brown, CSF (116) 2003-07
293 Terrell Gomez, CSUN (96) 2017-20
283 Tony Brown, USU (127) 1999-02
283 Anderson Hunt, UNLV (109) 1989-91
262 Wilbert Hooker, FSU (88) 1989-92
258 Luke Nelson, UCI (119) 2013-17
252 Josh Akognon, CSF (64) 2007-09
252 Jibril Hodges, LBSU (114) 2002-06

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