Picture of CAA
Picture via @CAASports

Here are the CAA all-time made threes leaders.

  1. 371 Brett Blizzard, UNCW 2000-03
  2. 357 Antoine Agudio, Hofstra 2005-08
  3. 328 Mark Poag, Old Dominion 1996-99
  4. 325 Marcus Thornton, William & Mary 2012-15
  5. 320 Kent Culuko, JMU 1991-95
  6. 310 Jalen Ray, Hofstra 2017-22
  7. 306 Phil Goss, Drexel 2002-05
  8. 304 Ryan Allen, Delaware 2017-22
  9. 295 Lamar Butler, George Mason 2002-06
  10. 293 Nathan Smith, American 1995-98
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