Picture of CAL U
Picture via @CALU_mbb

Here is the Cal U Vulcans 1,000 point club.


  1. Joe Miller 1985-89 112 17.2 1,924
  2. Delmer Beshore 1974-78 – – 1,869
  3. Roger Hotz 1955-59 – – 1,750
  4. Michael Wilson 1981-85 100 17.3 1,732
  5. Cliff Mitchell 1982-86 108 15.4 1,662
  6. Derrick Scott 1993-97 118 14.1 1,661
  7. Ray Greene 1968-71 – – 1,606
  8. Brent Kincaid 1992-96 115 13.1 1,502
  9. Kenney Toomer 1990-92 61 24.2 1,490
  10. Seth Martin 1999-01 86 17.0 1,459
  11. Ishmieal Kamara 1999-03 106 13.4 1,421
  12. Dick Majernik 1951-55 – – 1,317
  13. Ray Gutierrez 1989-93 102 12.9 1,315
    H. E. Johns 1974-78 – – 1,315
  14. Ryan Stefanski 1999-03 105 12.4 1,304
  15. Robert Jones 1993-97 121 10.7 1,293
  16. Tim Brown 1987-91 114 11.3 1,283
  17. Bernie Floriani 1967-70 – – 1,267
    Eric Watson 1996-99 118 10.7 1,267
  18. Dana Zajicek 1986-88 58 21.5 1,248
  19. Candice Pickens 1993-96 121 10.0 1,214
  20. Chad Scott 1991-94 115 9.9 1,141
  21. Dick Hartung 1974-78 – – 1,124
  22. Duke O’Hara 1948-52 – – 1,116
  23. Pat Hobart 1964-67 – – 1,109
  24. Frank Pilsitz 1963-67 – – 1,106
  25. BRENT PEGRAM 2018-PRES 57 19.3 1,100
  26. Rich Kotarsky 1963-67 – – 1,067
  27. Lloyd Gilmore 1952-56 – – 1,051
  28. Boris Mesnager 2003-06 112 9.3 1,041
  29. Don Slappy 1978-80 – – 1,033
  30. Bruce Gwin 1979-82 – – 1,028
  31. Max Wiley 1981-85 107 9.7 1,024
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