Picture of CBU Lancers
Picture via @CBUbaseball

Here are the CBU Lancers all-time home run leaders.

51 Aaron Seuss……………….. 2005-07
42 Zach Esquerra…………….. 2010-13
42 Robert Muro……………….. 1997-98
39 Antonio Chavarria……….. 2013-16
35 Esteban Enriquez………..2000-02
32 Ryan Williams…………….. 2015-18
31 Sharif Othman …………….2008-11
30 John Glenn…………………..2017-21
30 Andrew Bash………………..2017-19
29 Pat Vitamanti……………… 1994-97
29 Roberto Singer ……………. 1994-95
27 Ryan Mota………………….. 2018-19
27 Robert Lundy ……………..2004-08
25 Andy Whieldon ………….. 2000-01
23 Steve Ferreira………………2001-04
23 Tim Lopez …………………..1989-90

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