Picture of Citrus College Owls
Picture via @ccfightingowls

Here are the Citrus College Owls all-time rebounds leaders.

324 Troy Payne …………….08-09
299 Chris Reyes…………….. 13-14
261 Calvin Martin…………… 16-17
254 Kendrick Thomas …….11-12
253 Ryan Wiley ………………15-16
246 Daniel Fleming………05-06
239 Troy Payne …………….07-08
223 Kyle Gray ………………… 17-18
221 Mark Williams ………….15-16
214 Randy Hunter …………09-10
213 DJ Shelton………………..10-11
208 Psalm Maduakor……..18-19
206 Tom Granado………….09-10
202 Tyree Harrison …………11-12
202 James Williams ………19-20

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