Picture of Central Michigan Chippewas
Picture via @CMUMensBBall

Here are the CMU Chippewas all-time made threes leaders.

  1. David DiLeo (878 att) 2016-20 337
  2. Josh Kozinski (877) 2013-18 306
  3. Braylon Rayson (768) 2013-17 271
  4. John Simons (653) 2012-15 256
  5. Robbie Harman (594) 2007-10 233
  6. Giordan Watson (542) 2005-08 199
  7. Jordan Bitzer (542) 2007-10 196
  8. Sander Scott (435) 1989-93 186
    David Webber (565) 1999-2002 183
  9. Jeff Majerle (399) 1987-91 180
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