Picture of ECU Pirates
Picture via @ecubasketball

Here is the ECU Pirates 1,000 point club.

No. Player Years G Pts.

  1. Bobby Hodges 1951-54 N/A 2,018
  2. Lester Lyons 1990-94 112 1,825
  3. Sonny Russell 1950-53 N/A 1,653
  4. Caleb White 2013-17 129 1,578
  5. B.J. Tyson 2014-18 120 1,570
  6. Darrius Morrow 2008-12 123 1,506
  7. Anton Gill 1991-95 112 1,485
  8. Jayden Gardner 2018-21 81 1,462
  9. Bill Otte 1961-64 87 1,368
  10. Brock Young 2007-11 121 1,232
  11. Curt Vanderhorst 1982-86 108 1,199
  12. Oliver Mack 1977-79 52 1,196
  13. Jim Gregory 1968-71 77 1,193
  14. Jerry Woodside 1964-66 68 1,189
  15. Blue Edwards 1986-87, ‘88-89 57 1,177
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