Picture of Elon
Picture via @ElonMBasketball

Here are the Elon University Phoenix all-time rebounds leaders.

  1. Jesse Branson 1961-65 1,689
  2. Ed Juratic 1954-57 1,480
  3. Larry Trautwein 1969-73 1,446
  4. Dee Atkinson 1951-53, 55-57 1,215
  5. Clarence “Diffy” Ross 1970-74 1,194
  6. Henry Goedeck 1965-69 1,128
  7. Thomas Moore 1972-76 1,069
  8. Bill Bowes 1965-69 1,063
  9. Dewey Andrew 1959-63 860
  10. Tyler Seibring 2015-19 779
  11. Lee Allison 1977-81 735
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