Picture of Green Bay Phoenix
Picture via @gbphoenixmbb

Here are the Green Bay Phoenix all-time scoring leaders.


  1. Tony Bennett, 1988-92 …………………………..2285
  2. Keifer Sykes, 2011-15……………………………..2096
  3. Dennis Woelffer, 1969-73 ……………………….1916
  4. Jeff Nordgaard, 1992-96 …………………………1911
  5. Ron Ripley, 1975-79 ……………………………….1751
  6. Alec Brown, 2010-14………………………………1678
    Rahmon Fletcher, 2007-11………………………1678
  7. Mike Schachtner, 2005-09……………………….1667
  8. Richard Sims, 1984-88 ……………………………1619
    10.Tom Anderson, 1974-78 …………………………1505
    11.Bryan Boettcher, 1974-78 ………………………1442
  9. Ray Willis, 1970-71 ……………………………….1391
  10. B.J. LaRue, 1996-2000 ……………………………1359
    14.Khalil Small, 2014-18………………………………1335
  11. Ryan Tillema, 2005-09 ……………………………1326
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