Picture of Manhattanville Valiants
Picture via @ValiantsMBB

Here are the Manhattanville College Valiants all-time made threes leaders.

  1. Brian Fink 2004-08 226
  2. Mike Granda 2017-22 218
  3. Mike Benziger 2002-06 207
  4. Anthony Maestre 2012-16 196
  5. Brendon Murray 1998-02 140
  6. Donte Chisolm 2004-08 136
  7. Joe Joyce 1994-98 114
  8. Jake Dunn 2018-22 113
  9. Tom Genco 1986-90 108
    Tim Mitchell 1991-95 108
    11. Chris Slattery 1995-99 107
    JoJo Cobbs 2016-20 107
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