Picture of MMA
Picture via @MainemaritimeMB

Here is the MMA Mariners 1,000 point club.

1. 1618   Jed Johnson (89 games) – 1999-03 
2. 1405   Adam St. John (57 games) – 1982-85 
3. 1388   Matt Clement (79 games) – 2000-04 
4. 1382   Nicholas DePatsy (100 games) – 2016-20 
5. 1322   Corey Streams (89 games) – 1998-02 
6. 1276   Matt Ketchen (86 games) – 1996-00 
7. 1256   Tyler Thayer (96 games) – 2014-18 
8. 1181   Jack Kelly (73 games) – 1994-98 
9. 1146   Brendan Newcomb (98 games) – 2014-18 
10. 1089   Adam Wheeler (78 games) – 1990-94 
11. 1062   Derek DiFrederico (77 games) – 2005-09 
12. 1034   Jim Patterson (61 games) – 1982-85 
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