Picture of Niagara Purple Eagles
Picture via @NiagaraMBB

Here is the Niagara University Purple Eagles 1,000 point club.

  1. Calvin Murphy, 1966-70 ………………………………2,548
  2. Juan Mendez, 2001-05…………………………………2,210
  3. Antoine Mason, 2010-14……………………………. 1,934
  4. Tyrone Lewis, 2006-10 ……………………………….. 1,849
  5. Charron Fisher, 2004-08 ……………………………. 1,799
  6. Tremmell Darden, 2000-04………………………….1,729
  7. Matt Scott, 2014-18………………………………………1,726
  8. Chris Watson, 1993-97 …………………………………1,711
  9. Ed Fleming, 1951-55…………………………………….1,682
  10. Alex Ellis, 1954-58…………………………………………1,656
  11. Andy Walker, 1972-76 ………………………………….1,620
  12. Joe Arlauckas, 1983-87………………………………..1,610
  13. Al Butler, 1957-61 …………………………………………1,596
  14. Marshall Wingate, 1968-72………………………….1,456
  15. Marcus Hammond , 2018-22……………………….1,422
  16. Garry Jordan, 1977-81………………………………….1,398
  17. Daryl Greene, 1998-02……………………………….. 1,375
  18. Patrick Jones, 1985-90 …………………………………1,358
  19. David Brooks, 2001-05…………………………………1,354
  20. Mike Phillips, 1978-82………………………………… 1,342
  21. Marvin Prochet, 2015-19……………………………..1,340
  22. Lorenzo Miles, 2003-07………………………………..1,311
  23. Ollie Harper, 1974-78……………………………………1,302
  24. Mark Henry, 1985-89……………………………………1,291
  25. Marvin Jordan, 2010-14……………………………….1,278
    Brian Clifford, 1990-93 …………………………………1,278
  26. Larry Costello, 1950-54………………………………..1,275
  27. James Reaves, 2000-04………………………………..1,274
    Charlie Hoxie, 1951-55…………………………………1,274
  28. Joe Alexander, 1982-86 ……………………………….1,267
  29. Manny Leaks, 1964-68 …………………………………1,243
  30. Anthony Nelson, 2007-11……………………………1,215
  31. Alvin Cruz, 2001-05………………………………………1,207
  32. Kahlil Dukes, 2016-18…………………………………..1,202
  33. Demond Stewart, 1999-01………………………….1,195
  34. Zeke Sinicola, 1947-51…………………………………1,188
  35. Vern Allen, 1974-78………………………………………1,183
  36. Ken Glenn, 1959-63………………………………………1,177
  37. Skip Speaks, 1978-82……………………………………1,158
  38. Alvin Young, 1997-99 …………………………………..1,152
  39. Mike Curran, 1980-84…………………………………..1,124
    James Towns, 2016-20…………………………………1,124
  40. Juan’ya Green, 2011-13 ……………………………… 1,131
  41. Jeremiah Johnson, 1995-99………………………..1,123
  42. Al Williams, 1969-73……………………………………..1,086
  43. Mike Hanley, 1973-77…………………………………..1,064
  44. Mike Howse, 1979-83…………………………………..1,038
  45. J.R. Duffey, 2003-07………………………………………1,034
  46. Dominic Robb, 2015-19……………………………….1,033
  47. Juan Neal, 1984-88……………………………………….1,006
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