Picture of Northwestern Wildcats
Picture via @NUMensBball

Here is the Northwestern Wildcats 1,000 point club.

  1. John Shurna, 2009-12 …………………… 2,038
  2. Drew Crawford, 2010-14 ………………. 1,920
  3. Billy McKinney, 1974-77 ……………….. 1,900
  4. Evan Eschmeyer, 1995-99 …………….. 1,805
  5. Michael Thompson, 2008-11……….. 1,689
  6. Bryant McIntosh, 2015-18 ……………. 1,683
  7. Jim Stack, 1979-83 ………………………… 1,583
  8. Vedran Vukusic, 2002-06………………. 1,581
  9. Kevin Rankin, 1991-94 ………………….. 1,575
  10. Cedric Neloms, 1992-95 ……………….. 1,533
  11. Jitim Young, 2001-04…………………….. 1,521
  12. Tre Demps, 2012-16………………………. 1,518
  13. Vic Law, 2015-19 ……………………………. 1,442
  14. Shon Morris, 1985-88 ……………………. 1,407
  15. Jim Burns, 1965-67………………………… 1,368
  16. Rod Roberson, 1978-81………………… 1,347
  17. Joe Ruklick, 1957-59 ……………………… 1,315
  18. Dale Kelley, 1968-70 ……………………… 1,310
  19. Craig Moore, 2006-09……………………. 1,294
  20. Scottie Lindsey, 2015-18 ………………. 1,270
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