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Picture via @PeachBelt

Here are the Peach Belt Conference Player of the Year award winners.

Players of the Year
1990-91 Ulysses Hacket USC Upstate
Willie Murdaugh USC Upstate
1991-92 Ulysses Hackett USC Upstate
1992-93 Derek Stewart Augusta
1993-94 William Adair Augusta
1994-95 Carlton Farr Francis Marion
1995-96 Marshall Dribble Lander
1996-97 Tim Jones Georgia College
1997-98 Larry Coates Columbus St.
1998-99 Kavossy Franklin Augusta
1999-00 Robert Campbell Armstrong
2000-01 Robert Campbell Armstrong
2001-02 Gary Boodnikoff Augusta
2002-03 Terrence Hill Kennesaw St.
2003-04 Terrence Hill Kennesaw St.
2004-05 Yandel Brown Columbus St.
2005-06 Jeremy MayweatherGeorgia College
2006-07 Tyrekus Bowman Augusta
2007-08 Tyrekus Bowman Augusta
Chris Commons USC Aiken
2008-09 Chris Commons USC Aiken
2009-10 Ben Madgen Augusta
2010-11 Phillip Brown Ga. Southwestern
2011-12 Dwight Tolbert Lander
2012-13 Re’Mon Nelson USC Aiken
2013-14 Troran Brown Montevallo
2014-15 Troran Brown Montevallo
2015-16 Terrell Harris Georgia College
2016-17 Keshun Sherrill Augusta
2017-18 Detrek Browning Francis Marion
2018-19 Brandon Parker Francis Marion
Deane Williams Augusta
2019-20 Akia Pruitt UNC Pembroke
2020-21 Jaizec Lottie Flagler

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