Picture of SEMO Redhawks
Picture via @SEMOMBB

Here are the SEMO Redhawks all-time made threes leaders.

  1. Marland Smith, 2009-13 251
  2. Derek Winans, 2001-05 219
  3. Churtis Shelton, 1990-94 215
  4. Terrick Willoughby, 2003-07 175
  5. Kenard Moore, 2007-09 174
  6. Mike Lewis, 1987-91 166
  7. Cory Johnson, 1997-99 162
  8. Brett Hale, 2001-05 140
  9. Eric Reed, Jr., 2021-22 132
    Jamaal Calvin, 2013-17 132
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