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Picture via @WPUPioneers

Here is the WPU Pioneers 1,000 point club.

1. Horace Jenkins1999-20011,940
2. Steve Clancy1962-661,812
3. Doug Gross1968-721,675
4. Tommie Patterson1988-921,627
5. Clinton Wheeler1977-811,624
6. Jack Drury1953-571,532
7. Lou Cirangle1954-581,528
8. Ken Brown1974-771,373
9. Vince Moretta1948-521,335
10. Tom Dilly1965-681,325
10. Domenic Mignone2017-221,325
11. Bob Matthews1952-53, 1956-581,320
12. Bright Mensah2012-161,306
13. Ted Bonner1978-821,251
14. Gerard Wilson1993-971,250
15. Don Foster1982-861,235
16. John Richardson1965-681,214
17. Harry Dolan1954-571,174
18. Andrew Daniels1988-931,168
19. Sean Smith2017-201,147
20. John Rice1977-811,128
21. Luis Martinez2003-071,119
22. Al Cousins1963-671,108
23. Sandy Burgos2012-151,098
24. Joey Spiegel2004-081,069
25. Leon Smith1974-771,063
26. Leroy Lewis1969-731,056
27. Gabriel Paul2007-111,053
28. Gino Morales1984-871,008
29. Ray Ortiz1997-20011,008
30. Bob Planker1971-731,000
31. Bob Matthew1950-541,000 (exact total unknown)
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