Picture of SJU Golden Eagles
Picture via @SJLIAthletics

Here are the SJU Golden Eagles all-time made threes leaders.

RankNameMade Three-PointsYears
1.Chris Jimenez31208-12
2.David Acree28805-09
3.Frank Basile20116-20
4.Steve Velazquez18509-12
5.Phil Lipari16404-08
6.Matthew Hirdt*16018-Present
6.Fernando Vazquez16014-17
8.Dave Edwards15091-94
9.Andy Laurent14013-17
10.Vincent Russo12309-12
11.Justin Collins12196-99
12.Isaiah Moore11214-18
13.Sean McCarthy11011-15
14.Tim Trava10900-04
15.Mike West 102 87-91 
16. Jon Hardy 101 97-01 
17.Tom Roeder 97 98-02 
18.Dave Boucher9489-93
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